Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra is a government recognised Charity. Registered as a Charity at the “Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission”. Donations of $2 and above to “Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra DGR” will be tax deductible.

肇風中樂團獲 “澳大利亞慈善和非營利機構委員會” 批准註册為慈善機構。凡向肇風中樂團捐獻2元或以上,可獲得稅務局稅項回扣

Chao Feng greatly appreaciate the lasting support from our community, and any bit of suppoort greatly contributes to our development and success.


Donation Method 捐獻方法:

1, Online payment: Please pay to Chao Feng’s DGR bank account as follows
網上捐獻: 請付款至以下肇風DGR銀行帳戶

Payee: Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra

Bank Name: Bendigo Bank

Account name: Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra Inc DGR

BSB: 633-000

Account number: 152852091

Please email the payment transection receipt with your phone number to:  The Tax-Deductible receipt will be sent to you.

請把捐獻收據,連同捐獻人的姓名,電話號碼,發電郵到肇風的電郵地址,  以便寄發稅項回扣收據。

2. Pay by Cheque 支票捐獻:

Write a cheque to “Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra DGR”, and sent the cheque to:

Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra

G.P.O. Box 22, Melbourne, 3001 Vic, Australia.

支票抬頭人: “Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra DGR”.

Please write your “address, the name for the receipt” on the back of your cheque! Tax Deductible receipts will be sent to you.