
Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra and Hong Kong YWCA Chinese Orchestra jointly presented: “HK20 & Chao Feng 35” concert. Front row from left: Dong Yan Ma (Banhu soloist), Calvin Hao Zheng (concertmaster) and  Yat Ping Chan (conductor)肇風中樂團 35 週年音樂會《樂韵迎雙慶》肇風中樂團、香港女青中樂團與演奏嘉賓:馬東岩先生、鄭浩先生和肇風指揮陳一平合照
Photo by Matthew Lam

Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra has “sister” relationships with the following regional Chinese orchestras:

Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra is also fortunate to be closely associated with The Australian Chinese Music Ensemble and other highly acclaimed Chinese musicians in Melbourne.

  • Mr. Dong Yan Ma 馬東岩老師 | Huqin virtuoso 著名胡琴演奏家, CFCO’s Honorary Music Advisor
  • Ms. Ying Yang 楊纓老師 | Pipa soloist 琵琶演奏家, CFCO’s Honorary Plucked Instrumental Advisor.
  • Mr. Calvin Hao Zheng 鄭浩老師 | Erhu soloist 二胡演奏家, CFCO’s Honorary Conductor, and Advisor.
  • Mr. Pangeng Shen 沈蟠庚老師
  • Mr. Cong Ci Chen 陳璁祺老師